Come to the calm of a well functioning brain.
I have been neglecting my website for a long time...
Life marches on and I try to grab on to the side of the river and get sweep away... Here is a quote from Kahlil Gibran... Of the good in you I can speak, but not of evil. for what is evil, but good tortured by it's own hunger and thirst?
We have all been distracted to a point of breaking at times. This word "broken" does not fit into what I think of as a functioning human being. We all have lessons to learn and those lessons are important, even if they don't feel good.
Watching our judgements that we have of other people can give us a good deal of information about who we are in this life. Does this way of thinking stem back to my culture that I was raised in? Did I learn to accept this way of thinking from someone else? So some ways of finding our way into how we are as people are: Learn how to focus on your breath. I know you have heard this before, but it works. And find where that breath takes you. I find that I am directed to my hands and feet many times. This can help with the restless nights. Ahh, I can be calm and find my way through these emotions. Don't try to stop the emotions as they come up. If your mind or brain is "too Busy!!" (I am a master at this mind running around thing) then slow down and find what you are trying to push that doesn't need to be pushed. We are looking to explore what all of these emotions and thoughts are all about, not trying to suppress or clear out anything. Self awareness is all about just being aware of the negative and the positive states that we are in. Give LENS a try. It is calming and helps with stress. I have been reading a book called, The Dark Nights of the Soul" by Thomas Moore. He has had experience in the field of psychology that is related to Carl Jung. Jung approached the way that people process their life in a different way then most of the more modern ways of thinking.
We have all been involved in a big shake up of how our lives have been working. I have found myself to be outraged, disbelieving, and a times really scared. What happens in my life is that I want to always understand what I have going on with me. I want to be in control of my emotional state. I call this the dragon. I am learning with Thomas Moore's help that I can learn to not resist this state that I am in. I can learn to accept where my emotional state has taken me, many times down a negative path to acceptance. When I tune into these negative states of mind I can find a way to understand that this is a part of me that is really acceptable and viable, if I will let it. It is really the compost for my growth. Not that it is an easy place to be. I have been taught since I was a child to not be angry, frustrated or.... But this is who I am. All of the parts, they will fit together. LENS helps my thoughts to calm down. Here is a compressed version of an article in The Guardian, Why self-belief is a superpower that can be harnessed.
The words you say to yourself shape your confidence and performance, no matter how faked or cliched those words I just read an article about Carl Jung and his thought processes around the human life cycle.
He thought that the child was much like the sunrise. Not yet able to form the concept of intellect, but able to have a connection with the under part or unconscious part of the self. The unconscious part being under the earth, in the area where the sun was not shining at the time. Then there comes the time of puberty, when the sexuality is being developed. This is not a high noon but in the progress of becoming. This is the time when the person should be separating from the parents and learning to be on their own. Many cultures mark this time as a right of passage. Then come the time of high noon and the ability to go out and be separated from the family and build their future life. This is usually a time of intense activity and development, with a sense of being abandoned. This can last up until the age of around 40. The next phase is that of going towards sunset, the after noon. This is usually a quieter time of life. Then comes the sunset. This can be a time of intense doubt about the life that has been lived and the greater the doubt then the more resistance to the death process (which we all go through.) Just some thoughts on our life. Be aware, Be reflective and stand apart from the too busy mind. Most of us have a very limited vocabulary for our emotional life. Women tend to have a little better emotional vocabulary, because we have been allowed to express ourselves in this way most of our lives. However, we are somewhat limited with our ability to find our needs.
Men on the other hand, find it hard to express emotions. They have been told since they were young to get over it and be a man. Their vocabulary for needs are usually better developed. They will go after what they want. I am writing about a cultural standard. This of course does not apply to all people. I believe that if we are willing to dive down into our underlying, vulnerable self, and find those buried, unexpressed subconscious emotions, we will be able to live at a much more energized and happy level. Children are able to do this naturally. Mad, sad, happy or scared they are able to express this freely. We don't need to become child like, just learn to express ourselves better. I have been studying something called Nonviolent Communication for awhile. I have started a group to help me and others to be able to understand this way of living. Come and join us. I love doing research on the human condition. Especially with how we as people are built on the physical and emotional level.
I have watched a program on Amazon called E-Motion 2.0. I actually watched it 2 times. This is highly unusual for me. It is worth watching. One of the main ideas presented in this program is that we are about 10^ A way that I have found to look at all of this untamed anxiety that is running around is to, not let go but to become aware of this thinking that is going on.
The majority of it is negative. It wants to keep you in it's negative loop. It enjoys being in control and keeping you stuck. There is research concerning all of this negative thinking and how it affects your heart, brain and other organs. So we need to become experts at becoming the observer of our inner voice or squirrel on the wheel and then these negative thoughts will become less intrusive and start fading away. They will try to rise back up and take control again. Just step back and say humm, there you are again. I see you, I feel you and I am going to not resist what is going on. LENS neurofeedback can help you to get a grip on your over active brain and thought processes. Give it a try. I probably don't need to tell you...
AuthorHello, my name is Dana Lee Collins M.A.,L.P.C. I am a psychotherapist that has been trained in the art of neurofeedback. This science helps to heal the brain of trauma. I am dedicated to helping people heal. Archives
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