Come to the calm of a well functioning brain.
I have been reading about this part of life, being and feeling alone. There is evidence that being on the couch and eating chips is not a good thing to do. It leads to depression. We are social creatures and need to be involved with other people.
Being on the screen a great deal can also lead to depression. We need that social interaction with others. I am a introvert. I get my energy from being by myself and reading or doing what ever else. I enjoy this part of my life. However, I need to get out and find ways to interact with others and enjoy them. I have not been able to interact with my family and some friends because of the use of drugs and alcohol. These are people that have a constant habit of use. When I do enter their life the interactions are tense. I prefer to stay away. This makes it hard during the holidays. I found a website from the U.K. that is called Stand Alone. It gives some ideas about how to handle this loneliness. I find that being alone is good. I have found that silence is nice to have around. LENS neurofeedback can help to create a sense of calm.
We have a brain that is incredible, and a challenge at times. The lower part of the brain is in charge of keeping us safe. It is still in the mode of running if there is a danger. The danger is no longer something that will eat us (except our cell phones or screens of some other means). We are now having to learn to work with our lizard brain as something that can be managed. According to brain researcher Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor we have a full 90 seconds before we react or act. If we learn to act, even though that person has made me feel like I am non-human, we can have a much smoother life. We don't let the part of ourselves take over when someone is not doing what we think they should be doing. We can step back and find a place that is not so reactive. We can realize that the person that we are concerned about (the over-bearing boss or co-worker) is just using their lizard brain.
The lower or lizard brain, will hold on to things that are irritating for a long time. It wants to figure out what happened. We need to realize that we can expand and make these slights into big things. (Just wait until I see so and so again...) Understanding that we can step back and see this problem from a different point of view, like someone else who this would not bother. This different perspective can make a big difference. LENS neurofeedback can help the brain to run in a different, smoother manner. It is gentle and safe and effective. I just read an article about awe in Psychology Today. Then I clicked on a link to Ted Talks about awe that was presented by Dr. Beau Lotto. It is truly inspiring, awesome as the way goes. He actually has some of the Cirque de Soliel people with him on the talk.
So here is the definition of awe from Dr. Dachner Keltner of the Greater Good Department at the University of California, Berkley. (I want to go back to school) "Awe is the feeling of being in the presence of something vast that transcends your understanding of the world." What inspires awe is usually in nature (get off of the screen and outside) art (get your hands dirty) and impressive individual feats, acts of great skills or virtue. All of these attributes, that inspire awe, have been studied, and the results are that we become more social, more collaborative and concerned with the needs of others. This is called creating a social identity. When we help someone in need, we feel less entitled and self-important. When we learn to step into uncertainty, a state of awe, we become more innovated and we can find the key to creativity. When we unchain our perception from the narrow (past or future) uncertainty reduces the need for control and closure. We become risk takers. We are able to have a conversation about a subject and be open to all points of view. This activity lowers the inflammatory response. As Joseph Campbell stated, "Awe is what moves us forward". LENS neurofeedbck helps the brain to get untangled and opens us up to the wonder of the world. All of the nutrients that I posted on the last blog, vitamin C, curcumin (from tumeric), Omega 3's and magnesium all help the body to keep the inflammation down. Inflammation is related to the majority of problems that occur in the body, including cancer and Alzheimer's. The search in on to find how these conglomeration of cells, that create the inflammation, can be prevented. We can include these nutrients into our system to help the body to work with the inflammation until there is an other way. I would prefer to have the reins of what is happening to me in my own hands until I have to find some help.
We can be more in control of our fate and help ourselves to be healthy. Getting outside and enjoying the sunshine. Taking a walk to clear our brains from the stressors of the day, even just 5 to 10 minutes a day. Taking our eyes off of the screen and looking at the incredible beauty that is around us. Taking a breathe and feeling how our body is feeling. What is inside there anyway? This path can lead you to a fantastic inner life that is not always knocked around by what is going on around you. LENS neurofeedback can help to create a calm and balanced brain. It helps to clear out the cobwebs and create better clarity. I have been a health food person for the majority of my life. I started as a young child. I believe that we are built from the foods that we consume. And that we can heal the body by getting the right nutrients working in our system. We are an amazing product of cells that form us.
Here is something from Psychology Today. Here are some of the statistics, they always seem a little depressing but shall we venture on? Thirteen percent of teens experienced a depressive episode in 2017. This is up from a decade ago by 52%. Suicide rates have also spiked in the undergraduate population. There is hope with some of the new research that is going on. There are four compounds that help, omega 3s, curcumin (from tumeric), vitamin C and magnesium. These compounds can keep inflammation down and so keeps the depression in check. When the inflammation is kept in check then the problem of depression is lowered. LENS neurofeedback can help the brain to detox. It can help to create a calm state of mind. What happens when people have a hard time with being told that they are working things out in life in a manner that is disruptive. They (or we) tend to blame the behavior on the person that is talking to them. This is called diverting the behavior back to the person that is talking to them. They will defend their behavior and usually project some part of it back to the other person. They will deny the behavior and will find anything to attack you. They will disengage and not want to talk about it or walk away. If the issue is hot, it is usually good to walk away, but always tell the person that you will get back to them at a certain time.
What is at the base of this behavior is a feeling of being vulnerable. They feel insecure and have a fragile ego. They are being taken hostage of their defense mechanisms. So how to get around this circus of behaviors? It could be hard but first of all you need to acknowledge how they are feeling. You are feeling this way because of....... The next thing to do is to not let them off of the hook. You need to acknowledge in a genuine manner what they are feeling but they cannot keep doing the behavior because you understand the inside story. They are feeling vulnerable because of.... and we know that it is because of this you are doing this. I hope that this helps. LENS neurofeedback can help the brain to become less reactive. Give it a try. So here we are in the new year. I wish you all good health (especially the brain), prosperity and insight.
Brain health starts with understanding how the brain functions. It is the seat of who we are, it controls every aspect of who we are and it is always changing. It is the set of our creativity, wisdom and personality. It loves fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, chicken without the skin and fish.
The second biggest part is called the cerebellum. It is underneath the cerebrum in the back area. It is in charge of our coordination and balance. The third part is called the brain stem. It is underneath the cerebrum. It connects the brain to the spinal cord. It controls all of the automatic functions, such as breathing, digestion, heart rate and blood pressure. LENS neurofeedback heals the brain. It helps to keep all of the different areas working and dancing together in the right way. |
AuthorHello, my name is Dana Lee Collins M.A.,L.P.C. I am a psychotherapist that has been trained in the art of neurofeedback. This science helps to heal the brain of trauma. I am dedicated to helping people heal. Archives
January 2021
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