Come to the calm of a well functioning brain.
So here is some wisdom from a man that has achieved a great deal.
To maintain a forward-moving mentality, you must:
I hope that you will come to try LENS. It will make you feel better and makes goals easier to attain. Happy New Year!! Would you like to help your children with their questions about all of the recent events? Here is some information from On Our Sleeves.
1. Take time to talk. Take time to learn about the recent events. Take time to listen, aware of their concerns. Then be empathetic, this is a way of walking beside them. 2. Let them know that you will be available to talk some more. 3. Encourage them to share their feelings. Be careful when you are feeling horrified or extremely upset. Tell them that your concerned or worried. 4 .Reassure them that you are here to protect and keep them safe. 5. Know that it is OK to not have all of the answers. 6. Focus on the good. 7. Avoid talking badly about certain groups. LENS neurofeedback can help with all of the anxiety and depression going around. It will help you to feel better. )Life has been pretty bumpy lately for many people.
Here is some information about the city of Tiomso, Norway. These people live 200 miles above the arctic circle. From November to January the sun does not come above the horizon. I have a hard time in the winter with the shorter days and being inside. This can relate to a condition called SAD (seasonal affect disorder), I have never been diagnosed with the condition. But it can be caused by lower serotonin levels that are created in the winter months. A study from the University of Tiomso found that the people that live in this area have very little problems with the lack of sun. (I need to visit these resilient people) The study found that there were only some sleep disturbances with this population. So what is the secret? They have learned to have a mindset of seeing stressful events as challenges that create an opportunity to learn and adapt. This is the opposite of the move towards failure, embarrassment or illness. This change in mindset is not do to a lack of facts. Yes, there are problems, but we can get under the covers with a nice cup of tea and feel good. This type of mindset can change blood pressure and heart rate. Look for ways to feel good. Try LENS neurofeedback, it will make you feel good. We have 4 major hormones in our system. We can work with these hormones to created better health.
Dopamine...This is the hormone that creates motivation and reward. It helps us to set goals and reach them. If we have low dopamine this can lead to depression, low motivation and loss of interest. It is better to set new goals and create small steps to get to these goals. Your brain will reward you. Avoiding too much caffeine, sugar and recreational drugs helps to boost this hormone. Serotonin...This is the mood hormone. It helps to regulate other functions. It can help to lower depression and regulate anxiety. It is related to confidence. So don't ignore your need for respect. Exercise can boost this hormone, it helps to challenge yourself. Oxycontin....This is our love hormone. It helps with childbirth and bonding. It is also related to trust. This hormone is activated by kissing, hugging and sex. It is also activated by petting your pet. Endorphins....This is our high that we get with exercise. It is a natural pain killer. It helps to up our pleasure. It also helps to eat dark chocolate, laugh, and mediate. Find the humor!! LENS helps with the activation of these hormones. I found an article in Psychology Today, called How to use Humor to Manage Stress. We need to find the lighter side of things right now. People are reporting a 66% increase in mental health problems. People are also having trouble with sleeping, eating and there is a significant increase in alcohol consumption.
So here is a brief outline of the 4 R's of using humor created by Andrew Tarvin.
I just read an article in Ladders, it is well written and about how to create a good life. It begins with 12 age reversing habits....
As you know I am very committed to working with neurofeedback. I like any kind of information that can help with brain improvement. With basic awareness practices, the guy that wrote this article was able to reverse 15 years of addiction, including heroin. This is a rough way of getting through life. Opioids are enticing, they like to take the pain away, but the real pain in underneath all of this. So we need to sit back and learn to observe what our emotional states are all about. Wow, here comes that one with my family again. If I let my reactive brain take over then I leave a trail of sorrow both for myself and others. If I learn to work through that emotional high-jack of the amygdala then I can make it shrink down and the higher portion of my brain can do it's wonderful work. We are in an age of fear. We need to learn to work with our own life to help others to find a calmer space. LENS neurofeedback helps to calm the brain. I just found Greater Good Magazine on line. There are many different areas to explore on this website.
One of the articles that I read was about speaking up when someone was being offensive. I know that I have a hard time with this. I was at a training recently and one of my fellow trainees was talking about going to Thailand. Her main comment was that all there was was Buddha every where. With other comments around this subject that were in appropriate. I wish that I would have spoken out. I was in a group of conservative people. I do not know if I would have been supported with a comment. I want to practice different ways of connecting with people, where what I say does not put them down or offend. But I do need people to understand that we need to accept different ways of being a human that do not always fit my circle of understanding. When we have a closed way of looking at things, we create more fear around us. How can we grow to understand other ways of living. Fear is driving so much of our relationships, we are willing to fight for our side without considering how ours are. I hope that I can not let fear guide my interventions in the future and not react out of anger. LENS helps to heal the brain and helps to create a calmer way of being in the world. I have been neglecting this writing for some time. Life has been requiring me to dance in another way.
I have had good support from people that care about me. However, the anxiety and depression loves to stick up it's lovely head. LENS has helped me a good deal during a very difficult time. I know that there are many of you that are having problems with our current state of affairs. I would like to support you on your journey towards becoming more calm and balanced. I know that this will help to bring you into a place that has the ability to keep the stress monkey at bay. Come and try LENS. I works. I have been working the psychology field for some time now. I see where there are so many gaps that need to be filled. I see people on the street in need. I know that the addictive process has harmed many of these people. I still want to help.
So, I came up with a easy concept. Please join me if you can. I am buying nutrition bars and handing them out to people that I see on the street. One of my clients buys gift cards at McDonald's or some other fast food place and hands those out. These people are usually hungry. I think that if we all show a little compassion, that they can find a way out of this place of a downward spiral. Please be careful, there is a good deal of mental health issues, be cautious. Please tell me what you think! LENS helps to heal the brain. I can help with anxiety and depression, without the use of drugs. And with no side effects. Dana |
AuthorHello, my name is Dana Lee Collins M.A.,L.P.C. I am a psychotherapist that has been trained in the art of neurofeedback. This science helps to heal the brain of trauma. I am dedicated to helping people heal. Archives
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